How to Shape Your Curves with a Soft Lounge Dress?

Soft Lounge Dress

The shapewear dress is the best option for you to create perfect curves. That’s right you heard. It is possible to have the same modeled body as celebrities without any effort. Just slip on a shapewear dress and see how this piece can do all the work for you in less than a minute.

Don’t go through the motions anymore, invested in conventional dresses that most of the time mark your belly the wrong way. You deserve to be the woman you always dreamed of: Decided, empowered, owner of yourself and your own body.

What are the advantages of wearing a soft dress?

mini lounge dress shaping

The dress can be the joker piece that was missing in your closet because it is versatile, elegant and gives you any type of look you wanted to build. Whether from mom to woman, the soft dress meets everyone’s needs, giving any woman the right to shape the body she wants.

Some of the advantages of wearing a soft dress are:

  • Fitted waist
  • Comfort
  • Aligned posture
  • Perfect busts
  • Freedom

1. To go to the movies

popilush built in shapewear

Surely you want to show off your best form by going on an outing like attending a movie premiere at the cinema. A shaper dress delivers the perfect shape for any woman.

Invest in Built-In Shapewear Slip Midi Lounge Dress which fits up to size 4XL. With it you get an hourglass-shaped figure. The waist is drawn in thanks to the dual-layer waist control. Modal fabric is soft and moisture-wicking, keeping you cool in any environment.

2. Family meeting

populish bodycon dress long sleeve

A family reunion is an important meeting, as it is an excellent time to meet the ones we love and renew good memories. With a good choice of clothes it is possible to look radiant on that special day.

A good choice can be the Long Sleeve Maxi Dress that is part of the selections of Built-In Shapewear Modal Soft Lounge Dresses. It is a very elegant option that will make you the most beautiful woman at any event.

The color palette of this lounge dresses is varied. Choose between close and light brown. It defines your curves to perfection through the dual-layer waist control that gives you an hourglass shape worthy of much praise.

Full body shaping is essential to shape your complete shape, giving you greater confidence and self-esteem. The straps are adjustable, so you can create the essential fit for any female body type.

Butt lifting is one of the many advantages of this shapewear dress and giving you the much-desired BBL effect. The bust is secured by the built-in bra with removable pads, meeting all your needs.

The body shaper comes underneath. This way you can have the most natural shape possible. You can increase the elegance of this garment through the use of accessories. A maxi necklace is an assertive piece that will highlight the neck and breasts. In addition, a beautiful hairstyle can bring subtlety and more femininity to your appearance.


comments user

The color of the dress is very nice, with a good color combination that will certainly make it more attractive on every occasion. This seems like a favorite dress for all women. Thanks.

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Deeva Collection

Finding the appropriate dress for the appropriate moment for a woman is not easy. This article can be a recommendation.

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Maria G Soemitro

Pakai shaper dress emang bikin confidence ya?
Sewaktu masih muda, shaper dress selalu jadi pilihan
Dengan warna hitam yang bikin nampak elegant

comments user
Keke Naima

Kalau baju kayak gitu paling suka lihatnya yang warna hitam. Kelihatan elegan dan klasik, ya. Tapi, saya gak berani make. Lebih suka yang longgar sejak dulu 😀

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Julia Pasca

OMG, why I know those after reading this article? Seeing the actresses dressing so elegant no lemak-lemak jahat membandel. Oh…the key is on shapewear dress

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Ternyata penampilan aktris yang memukau salah satu rahasianya ada di bahan dan warna baju yang dipilih, seperti shapewear. Apalagi kalau dipilih yang sesuai bikin tambah PD.

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Bambang Irwanto

Soft Lounge Dress really helps women to shape their bodies to make them look more ideal. The model can also be customized for various occasions

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Annie Nugraha

I love to see body-shape dress for parties. This will look gorgeous with an elegant jewelries and fashion outfit. Some of my jewelry's loyal customers use to do this. I have to admit that they are indeed have a good sense of outstanding look.

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Aku tuh kalau baca/dengar shapewear taunya ya daleman hihi. Kalau shapewear dress, baju yang kayak daleman, alias ketat. Jadi ingat Park Min Young, artis Korea yang di salah satu dramanya suka pakai dress ala shapewear. Tapi dia langsing dan imut, jadi cocok aja. Kalau aku pribadi, shapewear dress ini buat daleman, luarnya gamis atau baju panjang, buat ngatasi kali-kali bahan luar transparan :p

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pakai baju seperti ini memang idaman tiap wanita ya punya bodi ideal hehe..

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Fenni Bungsu

Kayaknya kalau warna gelap seperti hitam, navy atau mungkin moka makin mevvah ya jadinya. Buat yang body nya wokeh makin cantik jadinya

comments user

Kalau aku sih paling senang lihat yang Long Sleeve Maxi Dress . Apalagi kalau body nya ideal, hehehe….Yang shaper dress kurang suka karena terlalu terbuka. BTW bagi emak-emak tetap daster is the most favorite clothes

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Dennise Sihombing

Pilih-pilih yang mana ya? semuanya bagus nih mas. Aku sesuaikan dengan bodynya yang fatnya cukup banyak (hiks) aku pilih family meeting warnanya yang rada gelap agar menutupi body

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Sandra Hamidah

Aku pernah beberapa kali beli shapewear atau dress yang auto membentuk tubuh tp aku ga yakin bisa pake soalnya kurang cocok saat pakai hijab, jadi mungkin dipake di rumah aza

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I used to wear this kind of fashion item before gaining much weight though. I'm not so confident about myself wearing it anymore these days.🙈

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Andy Hardiyanti

Bisa dipakai di berbagai kesempatan yaa.. baik untuk pergi nonton (entertainment), maupun acara-acara penting macam pertemuan keluarga. Tinggal pilih warna yang tjakep dan sesuai sama kita aja.

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So beautiful shapes of a woman with firm body curves by using popilush shapewear.
Love popilush wherever women's will going out to makes perfect shapes.

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Lia Lathifa

Aku kalau pakai shapeware dengan super ngepress di badan seperti itu, better pakai tambahan blazer, apalagi kalau untuk family meeting, menghindari perjulidan para mamak hihi

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Mpo Ratne

Bisa jadi pusat perhatian kalau pakai baju seperti itu. Siap siap aja ya yang penting percaya diri .

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Hastin Pratiwi

Pantes ya artis bule kalau pakai shapewear dress gini terlihat makin elegan. Soalnya desainnya simpel, warna juga elegan gak aneh-aneh, bikin yang pakai terlihat inner beauty-nya.

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Bunda Saladin

I really need those dresses but i am going to wear it only at house and in front of my husband of course.

Those dresses are beautiful and make every woman look more beautiful also.

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Yonal Regen

I think the black one is the nicest. Look so elegant with the body. Then, anyone need to be confident to use it

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Dress 👗 nya cocok untuk dipakai dalam berbagai acara ya, mulai dari yang formal maupun casual. Warnanya juga cerah dan terlihat elegan…

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Tos kita kak, ntar blazernya di lepas kalau udah di depan pasangan. Memang perlu juga koleksi shapeware yang pas tubuh gitu, hehe.

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Nurul Fitri Fatkhani

Untuk yang punya badan langsing dan ideal pake shaper dress emang bikin confidence, ya.
Yang pasti bakalan jadi pusat perhatian, deh hehehe

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Bambang Irwanto

Tinggal disesuaikan saja ya, mas. penampilan pun jadi maksimal dan bisa menambah kepercayaan diri pemakainya.

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waww, cakep banget! aku suka nih dress gini kalo warna item. cuma suka liat aja tapi hehe nggak mungkin pake karena kerudungan hehe

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Naqiibatin Nadliriyah

Wow. it's true that the appearance becomes maximal and can increase the confidence of the person wearing the clothes. But in my personal opinion, the black lounge dress is more attractive 😀

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Fenni Bungsu

Kalau warna gelap asiknya memang bikin jadi lebih PD ya kak,
Karena juga warna yang netral sehingga menyenangkan buat dikenakan

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Siti Mustiani

Warna hitam cakep sih yaaa, simpel tapi tetap elegan.

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Asli Arek Suroboyo

Baru tahu kalau dress yang membentul lekuk badan namanha shapewear. Paling suka warna hitam karena kadang bisa juga menyamarkan body yang ga terlalu bagus

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Ayu Natih Widhiarini –

Aku bukan org yg cocok pakai shapewear gini huhu, entah kenapa jadi kurang percaya diri hehe

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Ingin cantik dan bentuk tubuh tetap terjaga, kini ada shapewear yang bisa mewujudkannya. Beneran terasa lebih slimmy dan menurutku bisa sekaligus controlling what we've goint to eat.

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pakai shapewear tuh emang bikin makin percaya diri ya, jadi pengen cobain juga deh bisa buat menyamarkan lemak di perut ga ya?

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Eka FL

kalau aku gak keurudungan kayaknya pengen sih pakai style rock n roll menggunakan Soft Lounge Dress dengan outer jaket jeans dan sepatu kets. tapi karena kerudungan, kek nya aku pengen pakai Soft Lounge Dress untuk dirumah, untuk suami, hahahaha

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Retno Kusumawardani

Langsung bisa punya body goal kalau oakai shape dress, buat seru swruan aja dipakai sendiri tapi musti pakai coat atau outer lagi biar ga kelihatan ketat..

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Witri Prasetyo Aji

Sama Kak, aku juga suka warna hitam. Lebih terlihat elegan sih menurut aku. Dan tentunya terlihat lebih langsing.

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Nimas Achsani

terlepas dari apapun, shape dress memang selalu punya peminatnya ya pak, banyak juga yang dipadu-padankan dengan aksesori pakaian lainnya

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Bagi yang berhijab, bisa nih dijadikan "baju dinas" wkwk

Apalgi yang shaper dress for to go to the movies, sexy abis

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